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Sunday 23 June 2013 11:05
Noorizadeh insulted Nasr-Allah
the Great Allah recited in 179 verse of The Heights surah “indeed we have created for hell many jinn and men, they have hearts but they do not understand thereby and they have eyes but they do not see thereby. They have ears but they do not hear thereby. They are like cattle; nay even more astray. These are they who are heedless.
Noorizadeh insulted Nasr-Allah

TEHRAN (Asremrooz): the Great Allah recited in 179 verse of The Heights surah “indeed we have created for hell many jinn and men, they have hearts but they do not understand thereby and they have eyes but they do not see thereby. They have ears but they do not hear thereby. They are like cattle; nay even more astray. These are they who are heedless.
The owner of Noor interpretation stated “the main purpose of man creation is worship but the final of some rebellion and unbelief is hell. It seems that they have created for hell.
This verse of holy Quran is similar to Imam Ali’s saying “give birth for death, make for destroying” it means every things will be destroyed.
Those forgotten the purpose of creation will not get anything except hell and fire. Human looks like animals in having ears, eyes and tongue but purpose and quality of his plans must be more than animals. In addition to the appearance Human must see, hear and understand spiritual sounds.
Someone asked Imam Sadeq “why has not Allah created all humans faithful?” Imam Sadeq peace be upon him answered “if he does that, right and wrong do not have meaning, they were forced . But Allah has created man free and gives him wisdom and prophet to clear the right way. He commended to obedience and disobedience is forbidden.
It is concluded that:
1. Creation many jinn and men for hell
2. Jinn as well as man is free
3. Humanity means religious understanding
4. Heedless human is like animals
According to this report, the purpose of this statement is indication of current position of Mohammad Noorizade whose wisdom has decreased.
Following his offensive statement to the supreme leader, he has insulted to Seyyed Hassan Nasr-Allah and said “whenever I see his photo or hear his speech I feel hives”. He offends a man who stands against Zionist and many faithful loved him.
Code : 56152